I know it’s probably not that impressive for seasoned growers, but after we had a cold and rocky start to the season, it has been lovely to watch some of our veg grow. Check em out!

Oh, and sunflowers, peas, beans, and I bet there are loads more that I’ve forgotten!
We’ve been experimenting with different varieties and spacings, and can’t wait to master growing – it feels amazing to see the seeds grow and to learn by getting our hands in the soil. For this reason, I think we are really going to enjoy offering others the chance to join us in growing, which is in the pipeline for next season. We know how blessed we are to have access to land and feel strongly that we should encourage others to get back to their roots and grow together too.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook if you’d like to know how we get on, and when we have veg to buy, as we will be broadcasting this online.